While the week-long observance is an opportunity to celebrate the value of Catholic education, it also is an opportunity for the students to have fun and showcase the many ways in which they give back to their communities! Food and clothing collections as well as “penny wars” are taking place at many schools during the week to benefit needy families.
The following is a list of some of the Catholic Schools Week events happening across the Diocese:
Monday, January 31
8:30 a.m., Students at Blessed Sacrament School in Midland present a living rosary.
8:30 a.m., Students at St. Mary School in Alma pass out “Hugs and Kisses” to area businesses.
Tuesday, February 1
In the morning, students at St. James School in Bay City make Valentines for residents of the Aleda E. Lutz VA Medical Center.
8:00 a.m., Students at St. Elizabeth Area Catholic School in Reese learn about missionary work during a visit from Sr. Margo Tafoya, MSSp, Mission Office coordinator.
Students at St. Thomas Aquinas School in Saginaw take part in a day of service.
Wednesday, February 2
Students at Sacred Heart Academy in Mt. Pleasant participate in a Catholic Quiz Bowl.
In the morning, students at St. Joseph the Worker School in Beal City design and build “angelic” snow sculptures.
8:00 a.m., Students at St. Elizabeth Area Catholic School in Reese learn about Catholic identity during a visit from Sr. Yvonne Mary Loucks, RSM, Director for Catholic Identity in Catholic Schools.
Students at St. John the Evangelist School in Essexville made special “Your heart is in God’s hand” valentines for the homebound. The valentines will be picked up for delivery.
Thursday, February 3
Students at St. Cecilia School in Claire will dress as pirates as they discover the Word of God on a “high seas” expedition.
Students at St. Stephen School in Saginaw participate in Random Acts of Kindness.
Students at St. Michael School in Pinconning will bring in donations for the “Michigan Make-A-Wish Foundation,” and in exchange get to wear pajamas to school.
Friday, February 4
In the morning, All Saints Central High School students will bring in food to pack sack lunches. Students will deliver the lunches to the Good Samaritan Rescue Mission in Bay City.
8:00 a.m., Students at Nouvel Catholic Central High School present a powerful, prayerful drama during a morning assembly.
12:30 p.m., Students at Holy Trinity School in Bay City will enjoy hot pretzels while learning why pretzels were created to teach people how to pray.
The Catholic Diocese of Saginaw is home to 22 Catholic schools with nearly 3,500 students. School leaders, teachers and staff are committed to excellence in faith formation, academics, athletics, the arts and community service. The legacy of Catholic school education in Saginaw began in 1868.